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Echarts force图形小节

2024-07-03 10:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

先不说多的,上图看效果: 这里写图片描述

做到这个的 图形我还是用了很很长时间的,说一说。


我们老总说了,他就是看中了这个图,让我们去自己做一下,我看了看文档,最新的echarts的文档,下了一个echarts.min.js。做了一个版本,代码如下: ` ECharts

var graph = {//数据 "nodes": [//节点 { "name":"节点1",//名称 "attributes": {}, "id": "node1",//id "size": 40,//圆的大小 "url":"", "category" :1//类别 }, { "name":"节点2", "attributes": {}, "id": "node2", "size": 10, "category" :1//类别 }, { "name":"节点3", "attributes": {}, "id": "node3", "size": 30, "category" :0//类别 }, { "name":"节点4", "attributes": {}, "id": "node4", "size": 20, "category" :0//类别 }, { "name":"节点5", "attributes": {}, "id": "node5", "size": 10, "category" :0//类别 }, { "name":"节点6", "attributes": {}, "id": "node6", "size": 20, "category" :1//类别 }, { "name":"节点7", "attributes": {}, "id": "node7", "size": 20, "category" :1//类别 }, { "name":"节点8", "attributes": {}, "id": "node8", "size": 20, "category" :1//类别 }, { "name":"节点9", "attributes": {}, "id": "node9", "size": 20, "category" :1//类别 }, { "name":"节点10", "attributes": {}, "id": "node10", "size": 20, "category" :0//类别 }, { "name":"节点11", "attributes": {}, "id": "node11", "size": 20, "category" :2//类别 }, { "name":"节点12", "attributes": {}, "id": "node12", "size": 20, "category" :2//类别 } ], "links": [//连接 { "source": "node1",//源点 "target": "node2"//目标 }, { "source": "node3", "target": "node4" }, { "source": "node4", "target": "node5" }, { "source": "node1", "target": "node6" }, { "source": "node1", "target": "node7" }, { "source": "node7", "target": "node8" }, { "source": "node7", "target": "node9" }, { "source": "node4", "target": "node10" }, { "source": "node11", "target": "node12" } ] }; // 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例 var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main')); myChart.hideLoading(); var categories = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { categories[i] = { name: '类型' + i }; } graph.nodes.forEach(function (node) { node.itemStyle = null;// node.symbolSize = node.size;//强制指定节点的大小 // Use random x, y node.x = node.y = null; node.draggable = true; }); option = { title: { text: 'demo',//文本标题 subtext: 'Default layout',//副标题 top: 'bottom',//上下位置 left: 'right'//左右位置 }, tooltip: { formatter: function (params, ticket, callback) {//回调函数 var str = appendPath(graph.nodes[params.dataIndex].id); document.getElementById("div1").innerHTML = str; return str;// } }, legend: [{ // selectedMode: 'single', data: (a) {//显示策略 return; }) }], animation: false,//是否开启动画 series : [ { name: '', type: 'graph', layout: 'force', data: graph.nodes,//节点数据 links: graph.links,//节点边数据 categories: categories,//策略 roam: true,//是否开启滚轮缩放和拖拽漫游,默认为false(关闭),其他有效输入为true(开启),'scale'(仅开启滚轮缩放),'move'(仅开启拖拽漫游) label: { normal: { show:'false', position: 'right' } }, slient:false,//是否响应点击事件,为false的时候就是响应 force: { repulsion: 100 } } ] }; myChart.setOption(option); /** 拼接路径 */ function appendPath(id){ var str = id; var links = graph.links; var i = 0; var map = {}; for( i = 0 ; i < links.length; i++){ map[links[i].target] = links[i].source; } while(true){ if(map[id] == undefined){ break; } str = map[id] +"->" + str; id = map[id] ; } return str; }


效果图: 这里写图片描述


2.0 单击事件的添加

我们老总看了之后,说了一句我要点这个节点进行跳转啊,这个需求要完成。 然后我就开始看代码,发现这个js,实现不了,在github 上git了echarts的文件,研究了一下。成功了。

ECharts var tree = { "name":"node1",//名称 "id": "node1",//id "url":"", "children":[ { "name":"node2",//名称 "id": "node2",//id "url":"", "children":[ { "name":"node5",//名称 "id": "node5",//id "url":"", },{ "name":"node6",//名称 "id": "node6",//id "url":"", },{ "name":"node7",//名称 "id": "node7",//id "url":"", } ] },{ "name":"node3",//名称 "id": "node3",//id "url":"", "children":[ { "name":"node8",//名称 "id": "node8",//id "url":"", },{ "name":"node9",//名称 "id": "node9",//id "url":"", },{ "name":"node10",//名称 "id": "node10",//id "url":"", "children":[ { "name":"node11",//名称 "id": "node11",//id "url":"", },{ "name":"node12",//名称 "id": "node12",//id "url":"", },{ "name":"node13",//名称 "id": "node13",//id "url":"", } ] } ] },{ "name":"node4",//名称 "id": "node4",//id "url":"", } ] } //定义结构 var graph ={ nodes:[], links:[] } ; //树的深度 dept = 0; //转化 function decodeTree(myNode,num){ var node = { "name", "id", "url":myNode.url, "category":num, "symbolSize": 40 - num * 8 } graph.nodes.push(node); if(myNode.children == undefined){ return; } var len = myNode.children.length; num++; if(num > dept){ dept = num; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var link = { "source":, "weight" : 1, "target": myNode.children[i].name } graph.links.push(link); decodeTree(myNode.children[i],num); }; } decodeTree(tree,0); //类型的确定 var categories = []; var categorieNames = []; for (var i = 0; i < dept+1; i++) { categories[i] = { name: '类型' + i }; categorieNames[i] = '类型' + i; } // Step:3 conifg ECharts's path, link to echarts.js from current page. // Step:3 为模块加载器配置echarts的路径,从当前页面链接到echarts.js,定义所需图表路径 require.config({ paths: { echarts: './js' } }); // Step:4 require echarts and use it in the callback. // Step:4 动态加载echarts然后在回调函数中开始使用,注意保持按需加载结构定义图表路径 require([ 'echarts', 'echarts/chart/force' // 使用柱状图就加载bar模块,按需加载 ], function(ec) { // 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts图表 var myChart = ec.init(document.getElementById('main')); // 添加点击事件 var ecConfig = require('echarts/config'); myChart.on(ecConfig.EVENT.CLICK, eConsole); var option = { title: { text: 'demo',//文本标题 subtext: 'Default layout',//副标题 x:'right', y:'bottom' }, tooltip : { formatter: function (params, ticket, callback) {//回调函数 var str = appendPath(graph.nodes[params.dataIndex].id); document.getElementById("div1").innerHTML = str; return str;// } }, toolbox : { show : true, //是否显示策略 feature : { restore : {show: true}, magicType: {show: true, type: ['force', 'chord']}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, legend: { x: 'left', data:categorieNames }, series : [ { type : 'force', name : "关系", ribbonType : false, clickable : true, draggable : true, categories :categories, itemStyle : { normal : { label : { show:true }, nodeStyle : { brushType : 'both', borderColor : 'rgba(255,215,0,0.4)', borderWidth : 1 }, linkStyle : { type : 'curve' } }, }, useWorker : false, minRadius : 15, maxRadius : 25, gravity : 1.1, scaling : 1.1, roam : false, nodes:graph.nodes, links:graph.links } ] }; // 为echarts对象加载数据 myChart.setOption(option); }); /** 点击事件处理 */ function eConsole(param) { if (typeof param.seriesIndex == 'undefined') { return; } if (param.type == 'click') { //param.dataIndex 得到节点的index window.location.href = graph.nodes[param.dataIndex].url; } } /** 拼接路径 */ function appendPath(id){ var str = id; var links = graph.links; var i = 0; var map = {}; for( i = 0 ; i < links.length; i++){ map[links[i].target] = links[i].source; } while(true){ if(map[id] == undefined){ break; } str = map[id] +"->" + str; id = map[id] ; } return str; }

效果图:这里写图片描述 点击之后就跳转到百度网站了。 之后需求又改了一次,不说了,但是总体上没有什么改变,基本重要的配置都写到代码了,不懂的或者有错误,欢迎留言。






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